Saturday, August 18, 2018

This Person Speaks My Mind


 It's wonderful when someone says what I want to say and says it better than I can say it. Enjoy:

By Charlotte Wood @The Guardian


Friday, July 27, 2018

I Hate My ISP: Good Riddance Charter / Spectrum / Time Warner Cable


I've been ranting about the crap quality of Time Warner Cable for many years. I thought Charter buying them would improve the service. It has not. Instead, the user-abuse has intensified in the form of further outrageously inflated prices in return for poor service and bad attitude.

Therefore, despite the as-yet unknown repercussions, I am DELIGHTED that my state government is booting abusive Spectrum / Time Warner Cable / Charter OUT of NEW YORK! This is We The People sticking it to asinine corporatocracy. At this time, Charter has 60 days to provide the state with a plan to hand over their business to another provider.

Below is a chronological set of links regarding the dirty doings of Time Warner Cable and subsequently Spectrum / Charter. Some of them route back to articles in this blog. Do not be alarmed. They provide further links to relevant timely articles:

 2010 - 2018:








As this last article points out, Speculum could attempt to appeal and turn this into a dragged out court battle, and of course lose. We shall see.



Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Destroyers of Our Future: Part 1 - Protecting The Last Straw


Destroyers of Our Future


Q: What is mankind's worst enemy?
A: Deceptive 'Truth'.

As a 13 year old, I dreamed the phrase was 'xunipus stargo', which I interpreted when I woke up as 'deceptive truth'. I'm an elaborate dreamer. What that's worth, I don't know. But within my personal life, I've had dreams that have been spot on regarding what I want to understand about myself and this world we live in on miracle planet Earth, our only home.

Part I: Protecting The Last Straw

Knowing that we humans never know everything about anything, what is the point of having an opinion? I realized, immediately after understanding deceptive 'truth', that opinion is critical. We're going to be wrong in some way at all times. But thrashing through all the wrong and rubbish is how we clear our way to what is closer to the 'truths' we seek to find. If we don't dare our opinions, it means we don't care. No caring is the point of this first part of my series here on the subject of 'Destroyers of our Future'. The last straw in the process of our own contribution to destroying our future is: Caring.

I'm starting at the end, in the first part of this essay series.

Q: When will life on Earth end? 
A: When we humans don't care any more.

That's when we, as a mass of species Homo sapiens sapiens, give up our 'sapiens' or wisdom and let those we allow to be in power to Push The Button, as we commonly call it.

To let loose one nuclear weapon on an enemy is to let loose all nuclear weapons on the entire earth. Escalation isn't a probability. Escalation to finality is ineluctable. (Word of the day!) It's what happens. It's human behavior. It's negative reinforcement enacted as the result of a mindless, unthinking state that is human desperation.

How would we humans allow the end to happen? Because we don't care. We lost our morale.

Because we are fundamentally a social species, we act in groups. When all the news is bad, when we have lost any reason to respect ourselves as individuals and as a species on Earth, we as a mass of Homo sapiens sapiens lose our wisdom by losing our morale as a group.

How do we protect our morale? How do we provide ourselves with morale? How do we separate ourselves from group thinking, tribalism, sheeple behavior, following the leader, doing the lemming leap?

We think as individuals. We act as individuals. We do positive reinforcement because we stay out of a state of desperation. We support ourselves as individuals and we turn our supportive behavior outward toward the others within our local scope, our closes social group. We share. We give without worrying about reward from others. We reward ourselves. We do good to and for ourselves and extend ourselves by doing good to and for others.

We designate for ourselves, individually, what are the factors that lead us to feel desperation and act out of desperation? We negate desperation with what we value within ourselves and others. We speak positive to all, we are honest about what we find to be positive. We offer to assist others in finding, obtaining and keeping what they individually find to be positive.

The air raid sirens go off and maybe that means the actual end is here. But we maintain our morale toward ourselves as individuals. We share our morale with others and help them keep their morale. We have been good, done good, shared good, enabled good, engendered good, expressed good. We are good as spirits, come what may.

It's a path. We smile in the face of adversity. We feel inevitable fear. We stand as our strongest, our best selves amidst all consuming fear. We are good to ourselves and others now and always. We care. Learning how is what we do.